- Designation: Professor
- Employee ID: 203
- Qualification: Ph.D.
- Date of Joining: 20/09/1991
- : 0731-2582500
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- : Detailed Profile
- Education and Qualification: PhD
- Work Experience:
S.No. Designation Institute Year 1 Professor SGSITS Indore 2013 to till date - Research Details:
Research Area:
(i) Mobile Radio channel characterization
(ii) Stochastic Modeling
(iii)Game Theory in Wireless Communication
(iv) Machine learning in Wireless Communication
(v) CognitiveMobile Radio channel characterization
(vi) CognitiveRadio Network - PhD Supervision:
Name of Research Scholar University Year of Registration Role Mr. Pradeep Kumar Shah (QIP) RGPV 2017 Co-Supervisor Mr. P.S Rathore RGPV 2018 Co-Supervisor Ms. Deepali Kothari RGPV 2018 Supervisor Ms. Namrata Shyam (QIP) RGPV 2018 Co-Supervisor Ms. Sheetal Ganorkar RGPV 2020 Co-Supervisor - Publications:
(I) International/National Journal Publications:
1. Ankita Mangalmurti, Jankee Upadhyay, Sudhir Kumar, Rajesh Arya, Anjana Jain, Preeti Trivedi, Static mode testing of S-20 Optical Streak Camera, IETE Journal of Research, 2024.
2. Sheetal Ganorkar, Shekhar Sharma, Anjana Jain, Taylor & Francis,IETE Journal of Research Online.FPGA Implementation of an Adaptive Equalizer with TLBO and PSO Variant, April 2023
3.Mahima Choudhary, Anjana Jain, Shekher Sharma, An Algorithmic Game Theory Approach for the Stable Coalition and Optimum Transmission Cost in D2D Communication, June 2020, Springer LNNS https://www.springer.com/series/15179.
4. Anjana Jain, Gender Gap in Science, Publisher International Mathematical Union, June 2020Pp, ISBN-10 3000655336, ISBN-13 9783000655333.
5. Kewal Sohani, Anjana Jain, Power Allocation mechanism in Uplink NOMA using Evolutionary Game Theory , Springer AISC series, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, ISSN: 2194-5357, 2019.
6. Pradeep Shah,P.D. Vyavahare, Anjana Jain, “Performance Analysis and Comparison of Various Channel Decoding Techniques”, springer series, Series Title Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Series Volume 77, 2016, eBook ISBN,978-981-10-5544-7.
7. Akansha Gupta , Anjana Jain, P.D. Vyavahare, An Empirical Study of OSER Evaluation with SNR for Two-Way Relaying Scheme, Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications , Springer Volume 385 , 2016 ,ISBN: 978-3-319-23257-7 (Print) 978-3-319-23258-4 (Online), pp 67-74.
8. Akansha, Anjana Jain, P. D. Vyavahare “Performance analysis of decode and forward cooperative diversity networks with threshold scheme”, IOP Conference series, vol. 67, Sept. 2014.
9. Abhijeet, Anjana Jain, A. Shrivastava “ICI Reduction using Quadrature Kalman Filter for OFDM System”, ISBN 973-93-80877-65-8, International Journal of Computer Applications, Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, IJCA September 2013.
10. Anjana Jain, P. D. Vyavahare ,L.D. Arya“Availability of wireless fading channel under outage state with tolerance time”, International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, UK, vol. 12, no. 1, 2012, pp 40-45.(II) International/National Conference Publications
11. Anjana Jain, P. D. Vyavahare ,L.D. Arya ,“Estimation of Fading Statistics of Nakagami Channel with Weibull Distributed Tolerable Outage Time”, WET, USA, Feb. 2012, pp. 77-82.
1. Sunita verma, AnjanaJain, Sangeeta shukla, Vinita Kothari, “AI Driven Medical Prediction and Suggestive1. Sunita verma, AnjanaJain, Sangeeta shukla, Vinita Kothari, “AI Driven Medical Prediction and SuggestiveSystem to Establish Good Health and Well Being in Society – A Real Time Case Study”, INFUS 16 – 18 July2024, Turkey. (Second best paper award)
2. Anjana Jain, “Spectrum policy and reforms in India for sustainable telecom connectivity in Rural area” inWorkshop on “Communication in Extreme Environments for Science and Sustainable Development”, AbdusSalam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste from 20 November 2023 to 24November 2023.
3. Anjana Jain, “Concept of tolerance time for state decision process in Markov modelling of wireless channelfor reliability improvement”, poster presentation in the IEEE European School Of Information Technology2023, during 17 to 21 July 2023 in University of Bristol, Bristol UK.
4. Sheetal Ganorkar, Anjana Jain, Shekher Sharma, Implementation of adaptive filter on FPGA', CSNT 2022April 2022.
5. Abha Porwal et.al, Pridiction and prevention of water pollution by Industries using IOT based monitoringsystem, CSNT 2022 April 2022.
6. Sheetal Ganorkar, Anjana Jain, Shekher Sharma, Soft ComputingAlgorithms and Implementation on FPGA-A Review', ICWMC April 2021.
7. Pradeep Shah,P.D. Vyavahare, Anjana Jain, Three Dimensional Interleaver For Improving Forward ErrorCorrection In Next Generation Wireless Networks , INDIACom – 2021, sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section,17th - 19th March, 2021, Bharati Vidyapeeth, New Delhi (INDIA),ISBN 978-93-80544-43-4 serials.
8. Ashwin Shrivastav,Anjana Jain,Mohit khamele, P.D. Vyavahare, The Teaching of Social Awareness forHuman Values & Ethics in Engineering Education,Conference on Indian Knowledge Systems, MadhyaPradesh Vigyan Sammelan & Expo (MPVS-2021),IIT Indore, MPCST and Vigyan Bharati, 22nd-25thDecember 2021.
9. Namarata Sahayam, Anjana Jain, Shekher Sharma, “Game theoretical approach for cluster-based routingprotocol in Wireless Sensor Networks "n International e-Conference on Intelligent Systems and SignalProcessing (e-ISSP 2020) organized by Electronics & Communication Engineering Department of G H PatelCollege of Engineering & Technology, VidyaNagar, Gujrat, 28-30 December, 2020.
10. Mahima Choudhary, Anjana Jain, Shekher Sharma “An Algorithmic Game Theory Approach for the StableCoalition and Optimum Transmission Cost in D2D Communication” ,4th International Conference onInformation and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems, May 2020, Ahemedabad.
11. Pradeep Shah,P.D. Vyavahare, Anjana Jain " Modern error controlling codes for 5G: LDPC code", 13-14 Dec2019, ICTCS 2019,Udaipur.
12. Pradeep Shah,P.D. Vyavahare, Anjana Jain Performance Evaluation of LDPC code, InternationalConference on Network and cryptology, JNU, New Delhi, 14 – 16 June 2019.
13. Kewal Sohani, Anjana Jain, P.D. Vyavaharem, Power Allocation mechanism in Uplink NOMA usingEvolutionary Game Theory , ICICC-2019, Bangalore, ,Dayananda Sagar University, 07-08 June 2019,Springer AISC series, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, ISSN: 2194-5357.
14. M Shah, Pradeep and D Vyavahare, Prakash and Jain, Anjana, Performance Analysis of Turbo IterativeDecoder with EXIT Chart (April 1, 2019). Proceedings of Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Trends inEngineering & Applications (RAITEA) 2019. SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3363551 orhttp://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3363551.
15. Ankita Rai, Anjana Jain, P.D. Vyavahare Distributed DOS Attack Detection And Mitigation In SoftwareDefined Network, Elsevier, International conference on “Recent advances in interdisciplinary trends in Engg.And Application”, Indore, 14-16 Feb. 2019. Best paper award, ,
16. Kewal Sohani, Anjana Jain, P.D. Vyavahare, Game Theoretic Resource Allocation in Full Duplex Modes: AComparative Analysis”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and TelecommunicationsSystems (ANTS- WIE 2018), 16- 19 Dec. Indore, M.P
17. Ashwin Shrivastava, Anurag Shrivastava, Anjana Jain, P.D. Vyavahare “Improvement in the Attainment ofCOs in OBE system using novel pedagogical techniques : A case Study”, fourth World Summit onAccreditation (WOSA 2018) , organized by NBA , New Delhi, 07th to 09 th September 2018.
18. Akanksha Gupta, Anjana Jain, Dr. P. D. Vyavahare “ Performance Analysis of Concatenated LDPC Codesfor Video Broadcast Satellite System”, 5th series of IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean(RADIO) Cape Town from 25th to 28th September 2017.
19. “Performance Analysis Of Routing Protocol Based On Sojourn Time In Manet”, A.Jain, A.Shrivastava,,Shruchi Jain, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Signal processing and Embedded systems(RISE-2017) at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal to be held during 27 – 29th October2017. - Projects: 7 lac TAPTEC project of AICTE, 2001, travel grant received from AICTE, MPCOST, WIE.
- Testing & Consultancy:
1. Teaching assistant in seminar on “Writing effective research papers”, ISTE, IITB, 18-19 Feb 2012.
2. NBA workshop conducted.
3. Custom Department - Other Details:
List of Conferences/Workshops/Seminars Organized
1. Co-convener IDEATHON 2020, Feb. 2020. SGSITS, Indore.2. Coordinator, Two days interactive session on NBA preparation for PG course and Appeal application, 15-16 April 2019, SGSITS, Indore3. Mentor, E Summit, 09-10 March 2019, organized by E Cell and CIDI, SGSITS, Indore.4. Session Chair, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS- 2018), 19 Dec. 2018, Indore, M.P5. Convener, One week AICTE-ISTE Refresher programme Design Development Fabrication Manufacturing Testing of Antenna, 30 Nov -06 Dec. 2018.6. Organising committee member of Two days workshop on “Remote sensing and satellite technology”, by CRSST, SGAITS, Indore, 17 -18 Oct. 2018.7. Co-cordinator for NBA workshop 11-12 April 2018, S.G.S.I.T.S. Indore.8. Advisory member as a Head ,”Technical report writing and presentation development using LaTex” during March 23-24, 2018 under TEQIP-Phase III programme.9. Advisory member as a Head, “Mathematical Techniques in Wireless Networks (MTWN)" on 27 and 28 October 2017, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Egg. Under TEQIP III, SGSITS, Indore.10. NBA Co coordinator, “Outcome based Education” NBA Workshop, 9-10 March 2018, S.G.S.I.T.S., Indore, (M.P.).11. Co-coordinator, One day visit for faculty members and PG student to ISRO –BHOPAL, 25/10/17.12. Advisory member as a Head, “Institute satellite and launching” 18- 19 Feb 2017, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Egg. Under TEQIP II, SGSITS, Indore.13. Visit Coordinator for a One day visit to IIT Indore, Study at France, for faculty members and PG student.14. One day workshop on “PG Projects Initiatives: Institute-Industry Interaction” , 12 th August 2016, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Egg. Under TEQIP II, SGSITS, Indore.15. One day seminar on “Communication and Cryptography: Shannon's Centenary Year Celebration”, technically supported by the Information Theory Society of IEEE (USA), 30 April 2016, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Egg. Under TEQIP II.
Invited Lectures/Expert Talks/Chairmanships at Conferences- An expert talk on “Game Theoretic Approach For Improving Key Performance Parameters in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Communication System” Virtual IEEE 2021 Future Networks Workshop on Massive MIMO,10 Nov 2021.
- Change project presentation (Online) on “Introducing New Domain of Learning and Assessment Tool in programme curriculum”, under UKIERI –AICTE Leadership Management Programme, 17 August 2020, Dudley College, UK.
- Presentation on “Spectrum management in India for Wireless Telecomm Services”, 23 Feb 2007, ICTP, Italy.
- A Lecture in Lecture series (online) on “Accreditation a continuous process: Let’s make it more effective”, TEQIP III, SGSITS, Indore.
- An Expert Talk on “Minimum requirements for IMT-2020 radio interface” Two week AICTE-ISTE FD, Recent advances in Microwave and Communication, 03 Dec. 2019.
- An Expert Talk on Global Approach to the bridge Gender Gap: Good practices, Two week AICTE-ISTE FD, Recent advances in Microwave and Communication, 03 Dec. 2019.
- An Expert Talk on Global Approach to the bridge Gender Gap: Good practices, 29 Aug 2019 Department of IT and Computer Engg. faculty members in IT department.
- An Interactive session on Global Approach to the bridge Gender Gap: Good practices, and survey in Two week AICTE-ISTE FDP, Recent advances in Microwave and Communication, 03 Dec. 2019.
- An expert Talk on “NBA Accreditation process”, TEQIP III, Two Days workshop on Accreditation, organized by RGPV, 11 June 2019, Sagar group of Institute, Bhopal.
- An expert Talk on “NBA Accreditation process”, TEQIP III Two Days workshop on Accreditation, organized by RGPV, 30 April 2019, MITS Ujjain.
- An expert talk, “Emerging Technologies for Telecommunication”, Prestige Institute of Tech. Management and Research, Indore, India, 03 April 2019.
- An expert talk, “Emerging Communication Technologies for Hyperconnected world” , Acropolis Institute of Tech., Indore, India, 28 Feb. 2019.
- An Expert Talk on “Game Theory and Multiple Antenna sysytem” One week AICTE-ISTE Refresher programme Design Development Fabrication Manufacturing Testing of Antenna, 05 Dec. 2018.
- Keynote Address, IEEE - ANTS 2018- WIE, 18 Dec. 2018, “Emerging ICT techniques for Hyperconnected world” , Indore, India.
- An expert Talk on “NBA Accreditation SAR preparation”, 07 Dec. 2018 at Oriental college of Engg. , Bhopal.
- An expert Talk on “NBA Accreditation process and Compliance report”, 15 Oct. 2018 at IPS, Indore.
- An expert Talk on “NBA Accreditation process- How to Start”, 15 Oct. 2018 at Bansal group of Institute,
- An expert Talk on “NBA Accreditation process”, Friday 20th July 2018 at ChameliDeviGroup of Institutions, Indore.
- Two days workshop on NBA Outcome based Education, organized by RGPV, Bhopal 13 April 2018, “How to persue for NBA:Challenges”.
- An expert Talk on “NBA Outcome based Education”, at Prestige Institution, Indore June 2018.
- World Telecomm Day 17 May 2016, “Challenges and Feasible approaches for 5G implementation”, IPS, Indore.
- Two day Seminar on Importance of GI -FI Technology in Wireless Communication", Millennium Group of Institutions, Bhopal , 15/03/2016 on “5G Key technologies Air Interface and Spectrum : An overview”.
- National Conference on “Advanced communication technologies”, Dec. 01, 2015, Department. Of Electronics and Telecommunication, UET, Ujjain, on “5G Networks: Challenges and suitable approaches”.
- National Conference on “Innovation in Electronics”, February 21, 2015, Department. Of Electronics and Telecommunication, LNCT, Bhopal, on “Innovation in Communication”.
- One week STTP on “Fundamentals and Applications of Wireless Communication”, January 28, 2014, Department. Of Electronics and Telecommunication, S.G.S.I.T.S. on “Characterization of fading channel and its modelling”.
- One week TEQIP summer school on “Application of simulation in communication”, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, UIT, Rajiv Gandhi Prudyogiki Vishwavidalaya, Bhopal, 21 Jan. 2014, on “Characterization of wireless channel and its Simulation”.
Membership of professional society
1. IEEE Senior Membership
2. WIE Annual membership
3. Chartered Management Institute (CMI), Member, as part of the CMI Level 5 Certificate in
Management and Leadership with Dudley College of Technology.
4. Individual full membership of TWOWS (Third World Organization of Women in Science),
ICTP, Italy.
5. Life membership of IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecomm Engineers),
6. Life membership of ISTE. (Indian Society for Technical Education)
7. Life membership of IEI. (Institution of Engineers India)
8. Life membership of CRSI (Cryptology research society of India).
9. Life membership of ISRS.